How to fix Asus TUF FX505 screen flickering

If you bought an Asus TUF FX505 laptop and found that after installing the operating system and all drivers automatically, the laptop screen flickers or turns black at times, one of the solutions to the problem is below.

The screen flicker appears randomly and sometimes, in some applications, the screen turns black and recovers immediately.


It is a common problem reported by many ASUS TUF FX505 owners purchased in 2020.

The simplest solution that no one applies is installing updates and drivers that can be found on the manufacturer's website. In general, many prefer to let Windows 10 do automatic updates and install drivers automatically.

However, the generic drivers used in the Windows 10 library do not contain specific fixes that the manufacturer removes to solve the product problem.

Source: Youtube

Asus TUF FX505 flickering solution

So, go to the Asus website in the support section and enter your ASUS TUF FX505 model. Link here -

Go to the support section, then on the drivers, and you will find all the updated drivers for Asus TUF. From there download the latest drivers for your video card, chipset and BIOS.

All that remains to be done is to install the drivers, and that's it., In most cases, the problem of the black screen or flicker is solved by this simple method. I applied the technique to at least 3 ASUS TUF laptops that customers wanted to send to RMA, which worked on its own.


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