How to remove this stubborn shortcut virus i see all over my usb drive or desktop computer? You might also be wondering the same, this is the reason you are here.
You might be confused that you are already running an antivirus software with a valid licence and somehow your whole computer or laptop is infected with this shortcut virus. How the hell this virus came from in my system. Well, the thing is that some virus are very strong and a few antivirus software are unable to detect them and these might infect your whole data and you might be at risk.
It is not at all difficult to remove this shortcut virus and we will explain you here in a step by step guide here at TechInReview. Let's get started and see what actually is this shortcut virus and how to eradicate it completely from your PC or laptop permanently and stay safe at all times.
Shortcut virus are of two types and the most common one is Flash drive shortcut virus and the other one is file and folder shortcut virus. Most shortcut virus files end with .exe, .vbs, .lnk and .ini extensions. A few of the variants include these viruses which are a lot popular in virus world.
- Bitdefender – Trojan.VBS.TTE.
- Norton – Trojan.Gen.2
- Avira – W32/Sality.AB.2
- ClamWin – VBS.Agent-35.
- McAfee – VBS/Autorun.worm.k virus.
- ESET – VBS/Autorun.EY worm, Win32/Ramnit.A virus.
- AVG – VBS/Worm.BH.
- Quickheal – VBS/Canteix.AK.
- Microsoft Security Essential – Worm:VBS/Cantix.A.
File and Folder Shortcut Virus
This file and folder virus replicates your files and folders and creates the specific file or folder shortcut.exe files. It hides the original file or folder which makes it very difficult to figure out for a new users.
It is actually the combination of Trojan virus and Worm Virus. What happens is that a novice can click on any of this shortcut file and it will start duplicating itself and spread the malware in your whole system.
It might steal your important and personal data from your laptop or desktop.
Flash Drive Shortcut Virus
Shortcut Virus First Aide
The only thing you can do to prevent shortcut virus is to make your habit not to open your usb or flash drives auto the autorun fuction or by double clicking the USB from "My computer". Let's learn how to do this the easy way and stay safe.
- Never open usb or any portable drive from autorun or my computer
- Open your flash drive or portable hard disk by right clicking and then click on "'Explore"
- Open My computer, in the windows address bar type in the drive letter of the flash drive or hard drive to prevent any malicious script from running.
- Go to files and folder options and click on "Show Hidden Files". It will show the actual files in the usb drive and help you prevent you from clicking on shortcut virus and thus avoid executing the malicious virus.
The last step would help you differentiate between the real files and folders and the virus created files. You must follow the above steps at all costs if you want to keep yourself safe from all viruses as some antivrius programs could also fail to detect a few of them. Now let's discuss what to do if the shortcut virus has been in your laptop or pc and you want to remove it.
How to remove shortcut virus using Virus remover tools – Method 1?
The method is pretty simple and you need to download these 2 tools to remove these shortcut virus from your infected computer.
- Trojan Removal Tool
- Shortcut Virus Fix Folder
Extract both of these softwares mentioned above using winrar. Now run the Trojan Removal Tool and click on "Scan". Wait until the scan is complete and then press Enter. Make sure you do these steps in the portable disk you want to remove your shortcut virus from. Now copy the "Shortcut Virus Fix Folder " file and paste it into the same drive. Open it via notepad and look for the cDrive. Change it according to your flash drive letter (i.e E:, F:,G:, H:, and so on)
How to remove Shortcut Virus using command prompt? – Method 2
Registry is a very sensitive area of the computer and making any change in the registry can cause complete collapse of the system if not done correctly.
You can remove shortcut virus with the help of registry too but i would say that its only for advance users and i will not be liable for any consequence which might cause in your system after using this.
You might end up affecting your PC normal operation if not done with care. If you are still interested in this method, lets go.
- Press the windows key +R, type "regedit" to open the registry of the PC or laptop.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / Current Version / Run.
- You might be looking for any Key with Extensions like VBS, EXE, INI and LNK. These might be safe to delete from the registry but you must be very careful as you might delete any of the executable file which might stop your computer from operating properly.
- Again press the Windows key +R and type in "msconfig" and click OK. In startup tab uncheck everything except your antivirus and click OK. Restart your PC or laptop now. The shortcut virus would have been no more in any of your files or folders and would have been permanently gone.